About Us

Grace Point Church is a new church in Hoover, AL with a mission to preach the Gospel while helping others realize that GRACE is the POINT where GOD meets the needs of humanity through the power of HIS Spirit. Grace Point is a United Pentecostal Church.

Our Mission

Our mission is to declare and demonstrate the Apostolic message in the Hoover community so that we can POINT others in a direction that they may grow in the GRACE and knowledge of Jesus Christ. (II Peter 3:18)

Our Vision

  • We see a thriving outreach focused, family-oriented, multi-cultural apostolic church that is passionate about the Kingdom.

  • We see a thriving church that is impacting our local community and is training leaders to go out and replicate the church by planting other churches in the community and in the surrounding unchurched communities.

  • We see a church that is impacting the Kingdom by supporting and sending both financially and physically in the North American and global mission of the body of Christ, “The Whole Gospel to the Whole World.”

Our Purpose

We exist so that people far from Christ may become passionate worshipers who are born again through the power of the Spirit and experience a new life in Christ which will enable them to grow and serve in the Kingdom.

We accomplish this through the simple process of "Believe. Belong. Become."

BELIEVE - Helping others to BELIEVE the message and experience the New Birth by building relationships, sharing the Gospel through interactions and Bible Studies, and demonstrating an apostolic lifestyle.

BELONG - Helping new converts BELONG to the Church after their conversion by assimilating them into the Church culture via new converts classes, assigning them to a mentor/mentor family, helping them discover their gifts, discovering areas where they can serve and minister, and eventually claim the mission of the church as their own

BECOME - Helping Apostolic individuals and families to BECOME the church, the ambassadors of Jesus Christ, to the city of Hoover and beyond by expressing the importance of the Great Commission and by trying leaders to become soul winners, church planters, and missionaries.

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